George Le Masurier photo
The Week: Vexation without representation plagues Comox Valley rural areas
H appy Friday. It’s the last one in April of 2019. And the climate is warming up around here, which farmers and gardeners can celebrate, although the lack of precipitation doesn’t bode well for growing or forest fire prevention. Here are some things we’re thinking about this week.
Vexation without representation
Residents of Curtis Road may have uncovered the resolution for “Vexation Without Representation.”
For 35 years, the noxious odours emanating from the Courtenay-Comox-CFB Comox sewage treatment plant on Brent Road have annoyed these Area B residents. They have worried about their property values and the future livability of their homes.
And the lack of concern shown by several decades of elected officials from Courtenay and Comox that have comprised past regional Sewage Commissions has frustrated them.
The reason for that is simple: there is no Area B representation on the Sewage Commission.
As a result, problems arising from the commission’s past flawed planning have festered without a voice, and were only heard after considerable citizen angst … and anger.
There may be legal reasons why the Sewage Commission can’t add a voting member from Area B — a staff report will analyze that issue — and it’s unlikely the treatment plant and its sewer pipes will ever be relocated entirely within the municipalities it serves.
In the alternative, the Curtis Road Association has proposed that Courtenay and Comox taxpayers, along with the Department of National Defense, pay them for hosting the “crappy treatment plant” in their neighborhood.
There is precedence for this.
All taxpayers on north Vancouver Island now compensate the Village of Cumberland for hosting the region’s landfill, recycling and composting operations. Both the Comox Valley and Strathcona regional districts pay Cumberland for the privilege.
Why should Area B residents be treated any differently? Granted, the residents don’t pay for road maintenance and other costs that Cumberland might incur by having a landfill within its boundaries, but they pay in other ways: reduced property values and the enjoyment of their homes.
It is an interesting approach to resolving the clear lack of democratic representation.
For the record
Decafnation has learned a Comox representative on the Comox Valley Economic Development Society is giving the organization credit for the Cannabis Innovation Centre currently under construction near the Comox Valley Airport.
That’s not accurate.
Here’s what Dr. Jon Page, the founder of Anandia Labs, told Decafnation, last fall:
Jon Page could have built his new breeding and genetics centre anywhere. In fact, he first considered the Delta and Richmond areas of the lower mainland. But when he discovered both municipalities would require zoning changes and public hearings to allow cannabis facilities, he looked elsewhere.
“Getting a development permit for warehouse space in the Lower Mainland where people are more suspicious of cannabis businesses would take way too long in the furious race to market that exists in the cannabis world,” he said.
Through Comox Valley realtor Jamie Edwards — a friend of people Page knew from growing up here — he discovered the Town of Comox had already zoned land for cannabis uses.
“Whoever in the town decided to include cannabis in the airport industrial area zoning as acceptable uses was thinking way ahead of the potential of this industry,” Nick Page said. “It was the key to bringing us here.”
Old Building vs. Old Trees
There was a worldwide outpouring of grief when a fire damaged part of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. It showed that most people recognize the importance of preserving our heritage for future generations to appreciate and understand.
At this point, we could make a comment about the Town of Comox’s lack of appreciation for its heritage buildings.
But let’s talk about old growth forests, instead.
There are trees in British Columbia that predate Notre Dame by 100 years. We have ecosystems that are thousands of years older than any cathedral or city in Europe. And these ecosystems play important roles in sustaining life on Earth.
But we cut them down every day. There’s no worldwide outcry. Billionaires aren’t lining up to throw money at their restoration and preservation.
These old trees and the forests they inhabit are our best defenders against climate change. They have been called “the lungs of our planet.” They are the providers of immense biodiversity.
There’s a new movement to set a moratorium on old-growth logging in British Columbia. Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver supports it.
In spite of that, the NDP provincial government plans to auction off 109 hectares of old-growth forest near the Juan de Fuca Provincial Park. If allowed to proceed, timber companies would harvest an estimated 55,346 cubic metres of old-growth from an area known as the Tall Tree Capital of Canada.
That’s roughly about 1,300 loaded logging trucks. It’s bigger and more important to our future than Notre Dame.
So where’s the outrage?
Now, for the good news
A large group of Comox Valley-wide stakeholders have partnered with the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative to understand and quantify the value of the entire Comox Lake Watershed.
The watershed provides drinking water for a large portion of Valley residents, but it also supplies aquifers, replenishes our streams and supports biodiversity.
Put another way, losing this natural asset would cause a public health and economic catastrophe for the Comox Valley. Recognizing its importance is a solid step toward making intelligent decisions about how best to preserve it.
The Week: Give us full transparency when paid ‘volunteers’ work with CV students
Faith-based volunteers can contribute positively to the educational experience in our public schools but everyone must be perfectly clear about who they are, what they can and cannot do and school administrators must monitor their activity closely and consistently
What’s dire: the lack of Comox subdivisions or climate change and gradual deforestation?
A Comox Valley developer is suing the Town of Comox because his permits to cut down trees and build more single-family homes haven’t been issued as fast as he’s wanted and because the town wants a wider walking trail through the property
The Week: Ken Grant fined by Elections BC and Parksville confronted by development, water issues
Another Comox Councillor was fined by Elections BC for violating BC elections laws, plus Parksville’s water supply is unable to meet provincial requirements for summer water flow in the Englishman River let alone provide water for a proposed 800-unit development
THE WEEK: As Puntledge River goes lower, Colorado drinking recycled wastewater
A serious fall drought has reduced flows in the Puntledge River, shutting down hydroelectric power generation for the first time in 55 years. Meanwhile, many states eye sending treated wastewater to kitchen taps
THE WEEK: Let the people have a larger voice at Comox Valley council meetings
Making it easier for citizens to speak directly to municipal councils might increase public interest in local government, which in turn might encourage more registered voters to actually cast a ballot
The Week: Comox, Cumberland appointments pass, but no word on Courtenay … yet
Cumberland and Comox municipal councils approve their mayor’s annual appointments, but Courtenay was a no show at its inaugural meeting. Is there conflict behind the scenes?
The Week: Valley councils begin new terms, but will Comox ignore voters?
Dr. Jonathan Kerr topped the polls with voters, but will that resonate at the Comox Town Council as it is poised to approve new Mayor Nicole Minions’ appointments and assignments?
THE WEEK: Water supplies are good, fireworks are bad and where Daniel Arbour lives
Despite the long drought this summer, Comox Valley water system supplies have not been threatened; the BC Wildfire Service has banned fireworks this year and clarifying Daniel Arbour’s place of residence
Let’s put one of the craziest Comox Valley elections into the history book, and then close it
It was weird. But when the sun rose on Oct. 16, Comox Valley voters had made it clear they liked the direction charted by our local governments. In the municipalities, they elected all but two incumbents. In most races, the vote was a definite pat on the back for a job well done.
A few random items as the 2022 election comes to a close
Long-time public official Bronco Moncrief dies, Manno Theos hangs out in Greece, and Daniel Arbour reacts to lies about his campaign finances