Jonah Gowans
Jonah Gowans will run for Liberals in Courtenay-Alberni
The Courtenay-Alberni Federal Liberal Association has announced Jonah Gowans as their candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada in the Courtenay-Alberni riding in the 21 October Federal
Jonah was born and raised in Powell River. He has a strong connection to the Courtenay-Alberni electoral district, having spent much time with his grandparents in Port Alberni and frequently camping
and playing high school sports throughout the district. Jonah is passionate about the outdoors, with a great love for the lakes and mountains of Vancouver Island. His other big interest is in volunteering. He
has coached high school basketball for the past three years.
Jonah has been interested and active in politics at various levels since an early age. In his high school years, he was the founder and fund-raiser for the Powell River Youth Resource Center. He has a degree
in Political Science from the University of Ottawa, and during his time in Ottawa he regularly volunteered on Parliament Hill, gaining an in-depth look at the inner workings of our Federal Government and an appreciation for both the process of government decisions and their importance for the well-being of Canadians.
Jonah has three main concerns. First, use the infrastructure money the federal government is investing here locally to support local governments. He knows from his time in Ottawa this is a constant battle to keep Courtenay Alberni in the minds of decision makers at all times.
Second, support the creation of more local jobs to help keep people in local communities for the long term.
Finally, a commitment to protecting the environment both locally and nationally.
Jonah currently is employed at the BC Legislature in Victoria and will be on leave to be available in the Courtenay-Alberni riding throughout the campaign period.
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BC voted over 70% for the hour change. John Horgan said that was not a priority because of the pandemic but he calls for an election. Nobody in bc wanted an election. the hour change matter to me
what is your position on abortion and end of life issues?
Sounds like he should be running in the North Island – Powell River (and Comox) riding instead.