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Game changer, but not a game winner

Game changer, but not a game winner

Unlike Notre Dame’s game-winning Hail Mary basket, if the majority of voters support electoral reform in BC’s November referendum, we will have only a game changer, not a game winner. In fact, the game would not be over at all because the hard work would just be beginning.

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An alternate reality: Clark pumps PR

An alternate reality: Clark pumps PR

While Liberal opposition to proportional representation is no secret, there is a BC Liberal insider whose thoughts regarding proportional representation they probably wish didn’t exist in the public domain. But they do exist, and the words are from none other than Christy Clark.

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Mayor criticizes the focus of mayoral candidates

Mayor criticizes the focus of mayoral candidates

Courtenay Mayor Larry Jangula has accused the three incumbent council members seeking to replace him of “electioneering” during City Council meetings. He says the candidates and their supporters are distracted and not focused on city business, which is causing disharmony at the council table.

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