Read the latest from our Politics section
Cumberland mayor encourages citizens to seek public office
The hours are long and the paycheck is short, but Cumberland Mayor told a crowd of about 65 in Comox that serving your community through local government can be a rewarding experience. The public forum was organized by Comox Tomorrow.
Public forums kick off 2018 municipal elections
The 2018 municipal elections are underway. New candidates and incumbents have declared their intentions to seek office and at least two community groups have organized early public forums to create voter awareness and encourage potential candidates.
Game changer, but not a game winner
Unlike Notre Dame’s game-winning Hail Mary basket, if the majority of voters support electoral reform in BC’s November referendum, we will have only a game changer, not a game winner. In fact, the game would not be over at all because the hard work would just be beginning.
Can a family of four live in the Valley at $16.59 per hour?
A new study says $16.59 per hour is a minimum “living wage” for families of four in the Comox Valley (two working parents). But the study assumes people can find housing at 30 percent of their gross income, and it doesn’t consider the plight of single parents
An alternate reality: Clark pumps PR
While Liberal opposition to proportional representation is no secret, there is a BC Liberal insider whose thoughts regarding proportional representation they probably wish didn’t exist in the public domain. But they do exist, and the words are from none other than Christy Clark.
Mayor criticizes the focus of mayoral candidates
Courtenay Mayor Larry Jangula has accused the three incumbent council members seeking to replace him of “electioneering” during City Council meetings. He says the candidates and their supporters are distracted and not focused on city business, which is causing disharmony at the council table.
Wells, Frisch and Eriksson will battle for Courtenay mayor
Courtenay City Council member David Frisch announced this week that he is running for mayor. Frisch is the second sitting councillor to enter the mayoral race, just 225 days away. Erik Eriksson launched his campaign for mayor several months ago.
Municipal election 2018: Who’s in, who’s out around CV
With just 257 days before Comox Valley voters choose the 29 elected officials who will run local governments and school district through 2022, only a few people have declared their candidacy. Among them, David Frisch, who sees “a lot of work to do.”
Courtenay opens the door for private digital signs
The City of Courtenay appears to have opened the door for private businesses to erect electronic message boards, despite previous public input opposed to such signs. City Council is split on whether their variance for Prime Chophouse sets a precedent.