George Le Masurier photo
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Wells elected CVRD chair, Hamir vice-chair
Newly-elected Courtenay Mayor Bob Wells has been elected to chair the Comox Valley Regional District board. Wells represented the City of Courtenay on the CVRD for the past four years, along with former mayor Larry Jangula and Councillor Mano Theos.
At its inaugural meeting Tuesday, Nov. 20, directors also elected new Area B Director Arzeena Hamir as vice-chair. This is Hamir’s first time in public office.
There are seven new faces at the CVRD board table this year: Daniel Arbour, Area A; David Frisch, Courtenay; Hamir; Doug Hillian, Courtenay; Jesse Ketler, Cumberland; Wendy Morin, Courtenay; and, Maureen Swift, Comox.
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Courtenay Council announces its regional district line-up and other appointments
Courtenay City Council’s annual appointments announced after a short delay
A few random items as the 2022 election comes to a close
Long-time public official Bronco Moncrief dies, Manno Theos hangs out in Greece, and Daniel Arbour reacts to lies about his campaign finances
Decafnation candidate voting sheet
A list of candidates endorsed by Decafnation
Join the discussion Oct. 3 about food system security in the Comox Valley
The Watershed Sentinel magazine is hosting a zoom webinar Oct. 3 on food system security in the Comox Valley
THE WEEK: Busting the myth that council members come with a blank slate
The Old Guard faction of Comox Valley political activists has been trying for decades to create a cohesive voting block
Jonathan Kerr: He’s delivered on housing, environment and recruiting 13 new family doctors since elected
Dr. Jonathan Kerr stresses transparency and accountability as key councillor attributes and says it’s up to Comox voters whether he deserves to serve a full term on the Town Council
Three candidate forums for Oct. 15 Comox Valley elections
See and hear the candidates in person for this fall’s municipal elections. We list the three candidate forums
Jenn Meilleur: Active volunteer and advocate for community, collaboration and climate change
Jenn Meilleur is seeking a first term on the Comox Town Council to advocate for community development, environmental stewardship and a more collaborative decision-making process
Will Cole-Hamilton: Progressives can be strong financial managers
Will Cole-Hamilton is a collaborator by nature and a proponent of sound financial management. He is seeking a second term to continue his work on meeting the challenge of climate change, affordable housing and safe transportation options
Melanie McCollum: Finance background has created savings, new grant revenue for city
Seeking a second term on Courtenay City Council, Melanie McCollum will focus on housing issues and rolling out the updated OCP. She defends the city’s traffic improvements against a misinformation campaign spread by another candidate
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Isn’t that a blatant “conflict of interest?” Even if one like Wells, that is a conflict. Smart politicians would steer clear…… but then is there such an animal?