File photo by George Le Masurier
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Mount Washington hopes to open Dec. 7
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Mount Washington expects to open on Dec. 7 … if the weather cooperates. The first big storm of the season arrived on the Vancouver Island east coast Sunday night, Nov. 25, although it brought mostly high winds and little precipitation.
The ski hill received an initial heavy snowfall late last week, but it did not continue over the weekend. And Environment Canada isn’t predicting any more snow in the next few days. The mountain’s website is currently reporting 4 cm of snow in the last 48 hours, but a 0cm base. Temperatures have been relatively mild this November.
The Environment Canada forecast for this week shows light rain showers but no snow at Mount Washington. But the forecast also shows temperatures steadily dropping throughout the week, which could turn that drizzle into snow.
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A few random items as the 2022 election comes to a close
Long-time public official Bronco Moncrief dies, Manno Theos hangs out in Greece, and Daniel Arbour reacts to lies about his campaign finances
Decafnation candidate voting sheet
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Three candidate forums for Oct. 15 Comox Valley elections
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The Mack Laing Trust: BC Supreme Court hears arguments in 40-year case
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Comox Valley Nature webinar to discuss effect of climate change on marine life
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New North Island organics processing facility raises concerns about cost, fire and odours
Campbell River environmentalists raise concerns about the the cost and location of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management Commission’s new organics processing facility
Cannabis breeding and genetics centre creates three new strains for Aurora Cannabis
The Cannabis Innovation Centre in Comox, founded by Vanier grad Jon Page and now called Aurora Coast, has produced its first new strains of cannabis and will release them to consumers later this month
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