COURTENAY: 2022 candidates (most of them) answer our election questions

COURTENAY: 2022 candidates (most of them) answer our election questions

COURTENAY: 2022 candidates (most of them) answer our election questions

Decafnation asked this year’s candidates for public office to respond to three questions. We are publishing their responses by the jurisdictions in which they are a candidate.


City of Courtenay

Candidates in 2022

One mayor and six councillors to be elected


Incumbent — Bob Wells
Challengers — Erik Eriksson, Aaron Dowker


Incumbents — Doug Hillian, David Frisch, Melanie McCollum, Will Cole-Hamilton, Wendy Morin, Mano Theos

Challengers — Phil Adams, Steffan Chmuryk, Brennan Day, Michael Gilbert, Evan Jolicoeur, Jin Lin, Lyndsey Northcott, Deana Simkin, Starr Winchester

Mayor candidate Aaron Dowker and council candidates Phil Adams, Michael Gilbert, Jin Lin and Deana Simkin did not respond


1. In the event that a new dangerous variant of the COVID virus emerges or if a new pandemic arises would you use your position as a civic leader to support federal and provincial public health orders and encourage others to do likewise?


Bob Wells
In early February 2020 I reached out to our Medical Health Officer and learned that the COVID-19 Global Pandemic was nearly a certainty.  I worked with City Staff to ensure we were as prepared as possible.  When the Public Health Orders were issued, I had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Volunteer Fire Department Annual Dinner as I did not want our First Responders being exposed to undue harm. I made the call to close playgrounds until we knew what the risks were of children being exposed to COVID-19 on surfaces. 

I used my social media reach to encourage people to stay home if possible, to wash their hands frequently, to wear masks when out in public and to call the hotline if they were experiencing symptoms.  I encouraged people to get vaccinated when vaccines were available. My message was picked up by local and provincial media.  I kept the message upbeat and positive, making sure people know the risks but trying to inspire them to make the right decision rather than force them.

I would do it again as I believe as Mayor the health and safety of our citizens is a top priority. 

Erik Eriksson


Melanie McCollum
Yes. It’s our duty as Civic leaders to uphold the law and follow the advice of experts. 

Will Cole-Hamilton
I would do the same thing that I did when COVID emerged

  • Listen to the guidelines and mandates issued by Dr. Teresa Tam,  Chief Public Health Officer of Canada and Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer of BC, who speak for the governments of  BC and for Canada, and work to ensure that City staff stay safe and that all guidelines and mandates are followed in all city operations
  • Follow suggested guidelines and mandates myself and encourage others to do so 
  • Ensure that the City works with vulnerable populations, nonprofits, and local businesses to support their efforts to follow guidelines and mandates
  • Make use of social media to share information on public health and safety, post my own vaccinations and encourage others to follow suit

Wendy Morin
The COVID pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge to all of us, in our daily lives and in governance as well. There is no handbook for best practices in dealing with a global pandemic. Under the circumstances, I believe higher governments have utilized the expertise of scientists, physicians, and infectious disease specialists in the best way possible.

In the event of another pandemic, I would support the views and orders of those with the expertise and would encourage others to do the same. I would also continue to use my role to provide feedback to higher government. As an example, during COVID, food security was not acknowledged as part of emergency management. No resources were allotted and no organized plan was made regarding food supply change interruptions. I and other local government folks pushed for this to be recognized and included in future planning and resources.

Doug Hillian
Yes. During the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, local leaders received regular briefings from Island Health officials and served as conduits to their community networks. We had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify expectations, and to satisfy ourselves in the veracity of information coming from hard-working and dedicated public health personnel.

Decisions were made related to maintaining City services, staff and citizen safety, facility closures and a multitude of issues that arose as we strived to cope with the uncertainty and risk impacting us in our own families and as a community.

It was vital that, as community leaders, we listened to expert advice and both modelled and messaged appropriate practices to keep people safe. This was done in the face of a barrage of misinformation from some in the community who contested public health orders. I felt it important to respond to all who contacted me with dissenting views, respectfully disagreeing with their conspiracy theories and emphasizing the city’s duty to follow the advice of our health experts and obey the law.

While it is important to employ critical thinking to new challenges that arise, I would take a similar approach to a new pandemic.

David Frisch
Yes I would support provincial and federal public health orders.

Mano Theos
Rather than focus on what if’s and hypothetical situations. I’m investing my energy on rebuilding now that COVID is behind us. Offering people and businesses my support to ensure opportunities to live well, stay fit enjoy the success of their small businesses and thrive. When any issues arise I weigh the merits and best approach needed for a optimal outcomes.

Evan Jolicoeur
Although the likelihood of a newer more harmful variant of COVID is unlikely, we are living in a world that will increasingly experience other new health pandemics. With worsening impacts of climate change, bio habitat loss, globalization and population growth there is an important role in preparing our communities for the resulting health impacts, including communicable diseases.

As a Registered Nurse, mental health clinician, health researcher, government administrator and health care service provider and having worked in public health, I believe there is an important role for leaders to build trust, role model healthy inclusive behavior, bring community members together, and ensure that everyone is heard and supported.

I would support government policies, including public health measures, that protect and safeguard the health and well-being (physical, mental, emotional) of our seniors, medically vulnerable, children and others while ensuring that we mitigate harms to marginalized communities.

Lyndsey Northcott
In the event that a new dangerous variant of the COVID virus emerges or if a new pandemic arises I would use my position as a civic leader to support federal and provincial public health orders and encourage others to do likewise.

Steffan Chmuryk
I think we’re through the worst of the pandemic. That said, the impacts that we have all experienced personally, and professionally, shouldn’t be ignored. People are obviously struggling, and many people are angry about the rules that were imposed.

I respect individual rights, but I am not going to express my concerns about public health policy while waiting to see a nurse or in line at the pub. Business owners/employees and medical staff are victims as well, and they have been subject to entirely too much vitriol for following rules that were imposed on them.

If there is any advice I could offer, it is to live in the moment, right now, and to be grateful that life is back to normal. I hope this continues, and I hope we can work together to ensure the stability of our healthcare system.

Brennan Day
Yes, as should all elected officials. Encouragement rather than division should be the mantra.

Starr Winchester
I would not use my position as a civic leader to either encourage or discourage anyone from getting a vaccine. I feel this is a personal decision.


2. Do you support the Regional Growth Strategy as it’s currently written? In particular, do you support its theme to funnel new growth into already defined urban boundaries, leaving the rural areas as rural as possible. And, do you support not adding any settlement nodes until the Union Bay Estates and K’omoks First Nations developments in the Union Bay area are well underway?


Bob Wells
I fully support the Regional Growth Strategy as a win-win-win:
1. It supports K’ómoks First Nation to realize their own economic opportunities in their Treaty Settlement Lands
2. It is better for the environment by reducing urban sprawl, deforestation and traffic
3. It makes the most sense economically as it costs so much more to build water and sewer pipes to remote areas, and the lifetime costs are also more for operations and maintenance. This helps keep taxes and the cost per unit lower.

Erik Eriksson
I think it is time for a review of the Regional Growth Strategy to see if people fell it is still applicable. I would like to bridge the rural-urban divide. You are asking urban people whether they want to keep rural as rural as possible. And you are asking rural people if all new growth should be crammed into the City.

At this time, I am of the opinion that the node structure needs to be redrawn. I look forward to a review to see how the people of the Valley feel about the Regional Growth Strategy in light of the changes that have occurred in the Valley over the last 10 years.


Melanie McCollum
Yes, I support the RGS in its current form. New growth should occur within the municipalities and the growth nodes identified in the RSG. I do not see a need to add any new growth nodes.

Will Cole-Hamilton
I do support the Regional Growth Strategy and its theme of managing urban development. While the RGS encompasses many diverse regional needs from water filtration to flood mapping to parks, it also provides a coherent blueprint for growth in our beautiful valley. Keeping growth within the existing urban boundaries is a policy of our Official Community Plan, and it is a policy I fully support.

With significant development planned in the Union Bay area, I do not favour adding any further settlement nodes until those developments are established. We treasure this valley because of its mountains, forests, rivers, and the rich farmland which feeds many families in our communities. The RGS seeks to find a balance between the need for more housing, and preserving the beauty, bounty and biodiversity that surrounds us.

Lyndsey Northcott
Some aspects of the Regional Growth Strategy I do support. Making sure housing is supporting the community and all demographics is important. I do support its theme of funneling new growth into already defined urban areas. I believe we should also be building homes in the rural areas. We are in such housing crisis and it’s critical for our community to have a safe place to live.

Wendy Morin
My approach to the RGS has three main goals: to protect taxpayers, to ensure we have a sustainable community, and to support changing demographics.

I support funneling new growth into defined boundaries, and not adding settlement nodes until the south lands development is underway. Creation and maintenance of infrastructure is costly. This cost increases the further out we develop. Climate change is creating additional challenges. GHG emissions in transportation are rising faster than in any other sector.

I think it’s important to note that although currently we have a larger percentage of seniors, millennials are the fastest growing generation and will surpass numbers of boomers by 2029. The RGS needs to reflect this shifting demographic. This age group (25 to 40) are more likely to utilize multi-modal transportation.

The food systems chapter also needs updating. The impacts of climate change and the pandemic have demonstrated the importance of food security and local food production. Over this term, much work has gone into the housing needs assessment and poverty reduction strategy, and this data will prove useful in the housing section. In conclusion,

I want to ensure that our community grows in a way that is fiscally responsible, equitable, and sustainable.

Doug Hillian
The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) settled the long-simmering contentious issue of how the Comox Valley should develop, and whether our rural areas would be swallowed up by urban sprawl. I supported the Strategy and advocated infill development to both preserve the rural nature of the Valley and to address our need to upgrade aging infrastructure and avoid the costs of extending that infrastructure beyond established urban areas and the identified settlement nodes.

The next Regional District Board will need to decide if the RGS requires revision or not. It is important to have that debate, but my current approach remains in support of the existing strategy.

As stated in Courtenay’s newly adopted Official Community Plan, “Courtenay’s strategy for managing future growth is to strengthen several existing neighbourhood nodes and corridors across the city through intensification of a variety of land uses, increasing investment in active and transit modes of transportation and creation of vibrant urban spaces. This in turn will reduce development pressure outside of Courtenay’s boundary or the need to annex lands from the electoral areas into Courtenay jurisdiction”.

David Frisch
Yes, I support the Regional Growth Strategy as it’s currently written. The work I’ve supported to have done on Courtenay’s Official Community Plan directly supports smart growth principles and keeping our rural areas rural.

Mano Theos
The regional growth plan is open for discussion. Housing solutions for affordability require larger pieces of land than municipalities have to offer. For instance a tiny home village or manufactured home park. The region district has land mass to accommodate such projects.

Evan Jolicoeur
I am in support of the key themes – environmental stewardship, sustainable economy, food systems, health & wellness, complete & affordable communities, growth management, multi-modal transportation, and climate change – in the RGS to support addressing growth and community impacts.

I am supportive of preventing urban sprawl, while supporting increased community infrastructure (eg. services, roads, schools, etc.) in key settlement nodes. To meet our food security needs we need to protect what little left we have of our rural and agricultural lands. As the impacts of climate change become more extreme, we will need to continue to nurture and grow our protected ecosystems and natural habitats.

The current RGS was adopted in 2011 and as a government administrator and policy advisor, I know the importance of ensuring that plans and strategies are updated and revisited regularly. I would welcome an update to address ongoing and new challenges to our growing community.

Many development projects are underway in Courtenay and the CVRD and prior to adding further settlement nodes beyond the extensive development areas identified in the RGS or the Courtenay Official Community Plan, I am supportive of ensuring our community understands the impacts of the two southern CVRD (Area A) developments that are nearing completion.

Steffan Chmuryk
I think that Courtenay can accommodate growth and I agree with the intent of the regional growth strategy. However, I believe that we should be honest about the consequences moving forward, because our existing road infrastructure is at its limits. In the near term, I believe that some of the traffic challenges that we are experiencing can be addressed with traffic pattern changes, but the reality is that traffic in the core will become unmanageable if we do not begin to develop a coherent and aggressive strategy.

As for the greater question of regional growth, I am of two minds. I believe that multi-modal regional planning is ideal for livability, and most closely corresponds to the current Cumberland-Courtenay-Comox model that we know so well. However, if we rely on cars exclusively, then our infrastructure will choke as a result. I want to see more housing constructed, particularly for first time home buyers and renters, but at this time there are no easy answers to the consequences that will arise.

The developments in Union Bay will create traffic challenges for years to come, particularly if each person who lives there will commute to/from Courtenay each day. For this form of development to continue, there needs to be an element of self-sufficiency in these areas, so that transportation does not suffer from major bottlenecks.

Brennan Day
No, it is important to revisit this document to ensure it is reflecting the current reality of the Comox Valley. It was written at a time that did not put much consideration on KFN land claims or the burgeoning population and current housing shortage. It is obviously important to balance both growth and keeping things rural, but that means updating this document to reflect today.

Starr Winchester
I think the time has come to review our Regional Growth Strategy with significant involvement from the other municipalities and the CVRD. So much has changed in the past 30 years. We have an affordable housing crisis that we are grappling with and we need land to provide more housing. Mt. Washington and Union Bay Estates do not have the infrastructure at this time to support adding housing to the level that we need. Furthermore, these communities are not easily accessible to those without cars.


3. Do you believe it is the responsibility of local governments to take climate change-focused actions and to consider how to minimize carbon emissions from municipal operations and facilities in all of the council deliberations?


Bob Wells
I believe it is the responsibility of local government to take action to mitigate climate change and to always be looking for opportunities to lower GHG emissions from municipal operations.

I believe I have had the most impact by getting our Comox Strathcona Organics program approved which will eliminate the methane created by our solid waste. As Chair of the Comox Valley Regional District I was proud to have solar panels installed and further for the CVRD to host information sessions with Hakai Energy to get people using solar power and saving money through a bulk purchase.

The new regional district office has solar panels installed and all efforts were made to make the building energy efficient from dimmable LEDs to motion sensors that automagically turn off lights. Even the new Zamboni is electric at the Sports Centre.

The City of Courtenay has a purchasing policy to buy electric vehicles whenever possible as well as replacing gas powered equipment (leaf blowers etc.) with electric and has been upgrading the HVAC system and lights at the aging City Hall. There is discussion of upgrading our Transit Buses to electric as a pilot program which would be great to see.

Erik Eriksson


Melanie McCollum
Yes. All levels of government must act to address the climate crisis within the confines of what they control. At the local government level, the primary tools to address GHG emissions are land use policy, building codes and municipal operations and facilities.

Will Cole-Hamilton
I do believe that it is the responsibility of local governments to consider climate change in their decision making. Back in 2019 I brought forward the motion which stated that “climate change must be considered at every stage of the development of our new Official Community Plan.” Planning with climate change in mind is just common sense in local government today, which is why that resolution received a positive response from our Director of Planning, and passed unanimously.

Our OCP sets a course to reduce our emissions as a community by 45 percent. This goal is similar to the 50 percent goal of the CVRD and the 40 percent targets set by the governments of BC and Canada. This will help Courtenay keep in step with other levels of government and the programs and grants they are supporting.

To meet those targets we will need to make mitigation a factor in decision-making at a corporate and a community level. And we will continue in our planning to consider how best to adapt to the changing conditions that climate change will bring.

Lyndsey Northcott
I do you believe it is the responsibility of local governments to take climate change-focused actions and to consider how to minimize carbon emissions from municipal operations and facilities in all of the council’s or board’s deliberations.

Wendy Morin
Yes, I believe it the responsibility of local governments to take action on climate change, and it should be a lens for decision-making. The City of Courtenay was an early adopter of the BC Climate Action Charter, signing on in 2007. Currently 187 of 190 local governments have adopted the Charter.

Local policies can have the most direct impact on reducing GHG emissions. Local citizens understand the urgency of climate action and have voiced support for this direction, particularly through the recent Official Community Plan (OCP) consultation process. The updated OCP is the first in Canada to have climate action as one of four core directions. Whether it’s a decision on a new piece of equipment, a rezoning application, or a city building reno, reducing emissions is a priority for deliberations.

With the often devastating effects of climate change we’ve experienced such as flooding, wildfires, heat domes, atmospheric rivers, and excessive snowfall, the time is now to do all we can to protect our community and citizens.

Doug Hillian
Action to address climate change is not only the city’s responsibility, it is our obligation as a signatory to the BC Climate Action Charter since 2007. It is also, in my view, a moral obligation to our future generations.

The Climate Charter stipulates our agreement to take action to reduce emissions within municipal operations and community-wide, including the commitment to a compact and more energy efficient community.

The city adopted a Corporate Climate Action Strategy in 2009, identifying actions to reduce GHG emissions. More recently, Council has declared a climate emergency, renewed the Official Community Plan (OCP) with a focus on climate, initiated policy on divestment from fossil fuels, adopted a Flood Management Strategy, implemented bylaws on urban agriculture, stream protection and tree retention, taken action on air quality, worked regionally to implement organics composting and supported climate action as a strategic driver at the Regional District.

As we implement the OCP, climate change needs to inform all decisions, working towards the declared goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.

David Frisch
Yes. It is all of our responsibility to strive to make changes that support climate change mitigation (reducing ghg’s) and adaptation (preparing for sea level rise). That is why I supported the use of a climate change lens while updating our Official Community Plan. As it happens, much climate change action improves people’s quality of life.

Mano Theos
We as individuals can be good stewards and do our parts to lesson climate impacts. Also encourage others in a respectful manner.

Evan Jolicoeur
Absolutely. Municipalities are responsible for over 50 percent of carbon emissions. We have a moral and ethical duty to act decisively to reduce the impacts of climate change. Local climate action is quicker and is responsive to our unique community needs. By managing climate risks now, we can protect the well-being, economic prosperity and lower the costs for all future generations.

As a young person, addressing runaway climate change is foundational to a liveable future. I will center the climate change crisis and its resulting impacts, on the economy, social fabric, and natural environment, in our local government planning and decision-making.

There are many areas where municipalities can address climate change, from transportation and renewable energy, to buildings, community infrastructure, to land use planning and waste management. Committing our corporate activities, programs and services to carbon neutrality would position our community as a climate leader.

I am committed to protecting our ecological assets, increasing green spaces and parks, expanding our climate emergency planning, supporting climate adaptation and mitigation, increasing food security, and bolstering watershed protection. We need a future-proof community that prioritizes the interconnectedness of a healthy environment, healthy economy and healthy people.

Steffan Chmuryk
I do not believe we are in a position to tackle everything all at once. I want all city activities to be as close to zero carbon as possible, but I would not present this as an obstacle to performing necessary city tasks. If we can reduce methane emissions from the landfill or wastewater treatment, and if we can adopt electric vehicles for city work, then by all means we should.

But we cannot prevent ourselves from performing necessary work by overcomplicating each problem with new criteria. To me this method of addressing important problems creates a disincentive for addressing other critical challenges, such as housing or necessary infrastructure improvements.

Brennan Day
Yes, so long as they are measurable and cost effective. Courtenay’s current emissions are far below the provincial average, so it is important we are getting a good return on any climate change focussed initiatives.

Starr Winchester
Local councils and the Comox Valley Regional District have already been taking these actions. If elected, I would support the option of providing greener, cleaner initiatives if they are feasible, according to our budget.















General Voting Day is Saturday, Oct. 15 for all local government positions.

Comox Valley Regional District

General Voting Day and advance voting take place at the CVRD building in Courtenay from 8 am to 8 pm.

Go to this link for General Voting Day locations in the three Electoral Areas.

Additional voting takes place on Oct. 6 from 9 am to 12 pm on Denman Island and on Oct. 6 from 2 pm to 5 pm on Hornby Island


Advance Voting begins on Wednesday October 5, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Native Sons Hall, and again on Wednesday October 12, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Florence Filberg Centre.

General Voting Day, Saturday, October 15, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Queneesh Elementary School, and at the Florence Filberg Centre.


Advance voting begins Wednesday, October 5 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Comox Community Centre, and on Saturday, October 8 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Genoa Sail Building at Comox Marina, and again on Monday, October 10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Genoa Sail Building at Comox Marina, and on Wednesday, October 12 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Comox Community Centre.

General Voting Day runs from 8 am to 8 pm on Oct. 15 at the Comox Community Centre.


All voting in the Village of Cumberland takes place from 8 am to 8 pm at the Cumberland Cultural Centre. Advance voting takes place on Oct. 5 and Oct. 12.





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Here’s the latest Comox Valley local government election results

Mayor Bob Wells and all Courtenay incumbent councillors have been re-elected. Evan Jolicoeur has also been elected. Manno Theos has lost his seat.

Jonathan Kerr, Jenn Meilleur, Steve Blacklock, Chris Haslett, Ken Grant and Maureen Swift have been elected in Comox.

Vickey Brown has been elected mayor in Cumberland, defeating long-time mayor and councillor Leslie Baird.

Voting down -20.6% in Courtenay, -22.3% in Comox and -50.9% in Cumberland.

Full results with Electoral Areas A, B and C, school board and Islands Trust results in the morning.

Daniel Arbour in Area A and Edwin Grieve in Area C won by wide margins. Richard Hardy defeated Arzeena Hamir by 23 votes.

Shannon Aldinger topped the polls in races for SD71 school trustees.

Click the headline on this page for complete results and voter turnout.

Our recommendations in the 2022 Comox Valley local government elections

Decafnation announces its list of preferred candidates in this year’s local government elections and for the first time we identify candidates that we think show promise and provide our reasons for not endorsing the other candidates. Our endorsements fall on the first day of voting at advance polls

Will Cole-Hamilton: Progressives can be strong financial managers

Will Cole-Hamilton: Progressives can be strong financial managers

Will Cole-Hamilton is an advocate for climate action, fiscal responsibility and wide-ranging collaborations who sometimes does stand-up comedy

Will Cole-Hamilton: Progressives can be strong financial managers


Will-Cole-Hamilton is seeking a second term on the Courtenay City Council. The graduate of Dalhousie Law School moved to Courtenay in 2012 with his wife and two children from Vancouver. He manages his wife’s family law office and does legal research.

He has 14 years of experience in owning small businesses — a video store and a small grocery that he sold in 2012. He has coached youth sports teams and ran a chess club at Puntledge Elementary. He is a director of the Comox Valley Regional District, chairs the Sewage Commission and sits on other committees.

He currently is on the board of the Comox Valley International Film Festival and as council’s representative to the Downtown Business Improvement Association and from time to time performs stand-up comedy. He says he’s still trying to find the humor in climate change.


Why should voters re-elect you?

My background in law and business is sometimes relevant to council work in a very direct way, such as reviewing contracts and other legal documents that come before council.

“For example, I put forward the motion that climate change needed to be considered at every stage of the development of the Official Community Plan update. And it was my motion that Courtenay adopt the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People as its framework for reconciliation and that UNDRIP is a lens that is applied to the development of our OCP,” he told Decafnation.

Cole-Hamilton says his first motion before the council was to adopt an asset management bylaw, which requires the council to consider the full lifecycle of asset costs in its decision-making. Courtenay was the first in BC, and second in Canada to do this.

“It’s a common stereotype that progressives aren’t strong financial managers and I wanted to put that myth to rest right away and this bylaw was a strong way of starting out,” he said.

Cole-Hamilton says the track record confirms that this council has been a wise steward of city finances. At the end of this four-year term, Courtenay has had the lowest average tax increases of any municipality in the Comox Valley (average increase 2019-2022: Comox 3.72%; Courtenay 3.2%; Cumberland 5.42%)

Reflecting back, Cole-Hamilton says it was through his second council resolution that he learned the power of collaboration, working with people outside the community to deliver results for people inside the community

“By nature, I’m a collaborator,” he says. “Early in my first term, I was at my first conference and I heard about a collective of municipalities in Northern BC working together to apply to the province for grants for EV chargers. I called some of the councillors from our region who I had just met and suggested we put together a similar application. Then, I brought a resolution to Council which passed unanimously.”

As a result, nine municipalities and four regional districts and the Wei Wei Kum First Nations collectively applied for grants and the Vancouver Island and Mid-Island EV Charger Network was born.

“I realized the value of working with colleagues outside our community to deliver results for people inside our community,” he said.

Cole-Hamilton is a member of the BC Caucus of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. That allows him to bring the needs and priorities of communities like Courtenay to the table at a national level and provides the opportunity to lobby the federal government directly.

He serves as the chair of both the national Climate Caucus — which has 500-plus mayors and councillors from every province and territory as members — and the province-wide advocacy group called Help Cities Lead. He is also a founder of the national PACE funding program.

“I find that municipalities can benefit from constantly cross-pollinating with ideas for best practices,” he said.

And he says it’s his automatic tendency to collaborate with others that makes him an effective council member.

“I have collaborated with colleagues outside the Valley and also with colleagues around the council table. I co-wrote resolutions with Melanie McCollum and another with Wendy Morin and McCollum on low-income eBike subsidies.


What are some of your key accomplishments?

Cole-Hamilton sees his work with council colleagues to support a climate focus in revising the city’s Official Community Plan as a major accomplishment. And he says his work to create the Island-wide Electric Vehicle Charger Network was another key victory.

“I have been influential in the regional district’s pivot from the demolition of buildings to deconstruction, which reduces the amount of construction debris in our landfill for long-term savings and makes reusing good materials possible,” he says.

Deconstructing structures reduces the amount of material going into the regional landfills and provides a second life for the many reusable components of a building. For example, many pre-1960 buildings can yield excellent old-growth lumber.

“And it’s the right thing to do. Ask any parent or grandparent who lived through the Great Depression,” he said.

He is a former director and currently the council’s representative to the Courtenay Business Improvement Area board. In that capacity, he says he has brought resolutions to the council to support a downtown social media campaign during the Fifth Street bridge rehabilitation, and another to improve lighting in downtown alleys. It was his resolution to include locations of private security cameras on the city’s electronic mapping system — to assist in efficient use of the RCMP when conducting investigations — and helped them fastrack a patio program during the challenging couple of pandemic years.

For about 17 years, the Courtenay Community Drug Strategy Committee had been unable to develop a drug strategy. So Cole-Hamilton talked to members about revamping the committee as a regional group with the goal of producing a Substance Use Strategy that addresses the entire region. Now, with new grants, the group has enlarged its scope and just completed an analysis of the situation on the streets.

Cole-Hamilton helped ensure there is an emissions management plan for GHGs from our landfill. He says a report has shown that landfill emissions are roughly 15 times greater than all of the CVRD’s other corporate emissions combined. 

“Given the scale of the methane emissions from our landfill, this is a really significant step forward,” he said. “As I noted, they are enormous — roughly 30,000 tons of GHG equivalent. According to the EPA’s emissions calculator that is equal to 6,464 passenger vehicles driven for a full year — or driving to the moon every 28 hours. A week or so ago, there was no plan to address this, now there is.”


Goals for the next four years

The number one goal for the next term is to implement the revised OCP. For example, creating the McPhee Meadows plan for a 4.6-hectare (11-acre) green space along the Puntledge River open to the public, while preserving and restoring its riparian and wildlife habitat features.

“Increased urban density requires larger public spaces and this is a good start,” he said.

He will focus on the many actionable items in the OCP on economic development, land use, food security and housing. 

“This (the OCP) is the largest piece of work for the next council,” he said.

He will support work toward a potential Courtenay Housing Authority that would manage and create more below-market-rate housing units. This would give the city’s affordable housing efforts a champion and a home base, he says.

Cole-Hamilton says it will take a team effort by the council to push the BC provincial government hard for complex-care housing developments to address those now living on our streets. “This is not something the city can do alone,” he says.

He also wants to work on greater collaboration with SD71 during the next term.

“They (the school district) are the single largest landowners in the city and have the single greatest impact on daily traffic flows. Both bridges experience the most congestion before and after the school day. Additionally, new housing projects have a direct impact on school board facility planning.”


The most misunderstood thing about Courtenay Council

Cole-Hamilton thinks people believe the city and council have a greater capacity and more resources than they really do. For example, the issues around unhoused people on the street overlap many provincial jurisdictions and “the BC government’s insufficient response means it’s left to the municipality to do what we can to fill the gap.”

“Less than 10 cents of every tax dollar in Canada goes to municipal governments to provide infrastructure, water, sewer, garbage, policing and more, and that leaves nothing for us to build large-scale affordable housing projects,” he said.

The federal CMHC program for building low-cost housing stopped in the mid-1980s and nothing has filled that empty space. The provincial government has not filled the need for housing, mental health or addiction issues and the burden has cascaded onto local governments.

“And, yet, I love this work and wouldn’t spend this much time otherwise. And I have put in so many unpaid hours collaborating with other elected officials across the province and the country to share solutions to the challenges that face us,” he said.













General Voting Day is Saturday, Oct. 15 for all local government positions.

Comox Valley Regional District

General Voting Day (Saturday, Oct. 15) and advance voting (Wednesday Oct. 5 and Wednesday Oct. 12) take place at the CVRD building in Courtenay from 8 am to 8 pm.

Go to this link for General Voting Day locations in the three Electoral Areas.

Additional voting takes place on Oct. 6 from 9 am to 12 pm on Denman Island and on Oct. 6 from 2 pm to 5 pm on Hornby Island


Advance Voting begins on Wednesday October 5, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Native Sons Hall, and again on Wednesday October 12, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Florence Filberg Centre.

General Voting Day, Saturday, October 15, 2022, 8 am to 8 pm at the Queneesh Elementary School, and at the Florence Filberg Centre.


Advance voting begins Wednesday, October 5 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Comox Community Centre, and on Saturday, October 8 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Genoa Sail Building at Comox Marina, and again on Monday, October 10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Genoa Sail Building at Comox Marina, and on Wednesday, October 12 from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the Comox Community Centre.

General Voting Day runs from 8 am to 8 pm on Oct. 15 at the Comox Community Centre.


All voting in the Village of Cumberland takes place from 8 am to 8 pm at the Cumberland Cultural Centre. Advance voting takes place on Oct. 5 and Oct. 12.





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Here’s the latest Comox Valley local government election results

Mayor Bob Wells and all Courtenay incumbent councillors have been re-elected. Evan Jolicoeur has also been elected. Manno Theos has lost his seat.

Jonathan Kerr, Jenn Meilleur, Steve Blacklock, Chris Haslett, Ken Grant and Maureen Swift have been elected in Comox.

Vickey Brown has been elected mayor in Cumberland, defeating long-time mayor and councillor Leslie Baird.

Voting down -20.6% in Courtenay, -22.3% in Comox and -50.9% in Cumberland.

Full results with Electoral Areas A, B and C, school board and Islands Trust results in the morning.

Daniel Arbour in Area A and Edwin Grieve in Area C won by wide margins. Richard Hardy defeated Arzeena Hamir by 23 votes.

Shannon Aldinger topped the polls in races for SD71 school trustees.

Click the headline on this page for complete results and voter turnout.

Our recommendations in the 2022 Comox Valley local government elections

Decafnation announces its list of preferred candidates in this year’s local government elections and for the first time we identify candidates that we think show promise and provide our reasons for not endorsing the other candidates. Our endorsements fall on the first day of voting at advance polls

Courtenay respondents’ comments

These are the written comments made by Courtenay residents who participated in Decafnation’s Local Government Performance Review. Comments that breached our journalistic standards, such as ad hominem attacks, have been eliminated. All other comments appear as entered into the online survey platform. Click each image to view that councillor’s satisfaction rating.


Some good initiatives and some lame ones.

I’d love to see them put more resources behind city planning specifically towards living spaces for young people, tourism and cultural tourism. We are turning into a generic-looking place!

Too much interest in providing cyclists with anything they want, there should be more interests paid to motorists and pedestrians. e.g. we need another bridge for motorists.

Main issue for me is the number of condo/apartment/senior living accommodation buildings that received planning approval, have been built with scant consideration to the lack of parking space to accommodate all the owners/renters/occupants and workers who use these places. Good example, I live on 31st Street, now fully built out, Crystal Shores 70 + condos, Harbour View 27 homes, both these stratas ensured owners parked on their own properties. Along comes Azalea Court, 34 rental units, supposedly 50 parking spots but the garbage compound takes up some space and visitors supposedly have 8 spots, the 34 apartments are home to couples and sometimes larger groups of people who share accommodation to be able to afford the high rents. There is never enough parking so 31st street has become a parking lot, day and night, used by all the good citizens who come to the area to walk the Airpark/river walkway and all the overflow cars from Azalea Court. All the No Parking areas and two fire hydrant areas are constantly violated. Appeals to By-Law enforcement are met with disinterest, besides the enforcement officer works 8 – 4pm four days a week, fat chance of getting violators ticketed, or heaven forbid, towed, when they block the fire hydrants. I shudder to think of what will happen when the fire department has to provide services for fire or earthquake disaster. Now let’s move on to the traffic density where Mansfield Drive joins Cliffe Ave at the northern end. Density of housing along Mansfield is already high, now add into the mix the new construction planned for the WhistleStop, four floors of condos. Move on to the trailer park on Mansfield that has been sold and will be the next target for development. It is already difficult for cars to exit on to Cliffe now but consider the plight of pedestrians. They have to walk south to 26th Street or north to 21st street to be able to cross from the east side of Cliffe where most of the condos/homes are to get to the services that are on the west side of Cliffe. Playing chicken to try and cross Cliffe is out of the question except for those who do not fear for their lives, yet I have seen numerous individuals just trying to do that very thing. Will the good city of Courtenay install a pedestrian crosswalk at Mansfield (north end) and Cliffe? Is it even in their long term planning? Oh, no, yet we can have bike lanes, ornamentation and foolishness at great cost on 5th street! The planners and councillors who support this short sightedness have their collective heads up their backsides.

Their decisions are made based on recommendations from Staff, probably because of their lack of knowledge, but it allows them not to take responsibility for what is done; a perfect example is the conveyance pipeline, thas it is a disaster both economically and environmentally. Who is making the decision to do it? the CVRD

On the whole I get a sense there is dialogue on issues and its obvious compromises are required to get decisions. I am more impressed with some council members than others, of course.

It’s a positive there is no appearance of internal factions wasting time.

A fiscally responsible council that was the first to enact an asset management bylaw, has worked hard on First Nation relationships with K’omoks, has worked to get an organics program for the entire Comox Valley and has supported social and environmental goals such as housing and daycare.

Like to see more on making the downtown vibrant

They work well as a team and have some refreshingly progressive viewpoints.

Seniors in the area I live in need crosswalks and traffic slowdown and our area needs crosswalks to get across Back Road. Accidents are increasing at the corner of back road and Ryan. Even though we pay a lot of taxes also it seems we don’t get crosswalks and other traffic problems solved. This is also going to get worse with the city cramming more high density low income housing in an area that has a lot of vulnerable seniors living in it. Poor city planning seems to be this City’s worst forte for a while now. Hopefully I can sell my property before it becomes the hood.

Current council seems more progressive and they have been making good decisions

Never hear from thereabout what they are doing, what issues lie ahead or how priorities are developed. Never hear from the mayor.

I like the new people elected in 2018. I think they make a huge positive contribution in Courtenay.

I am relieved the council was not taken in by 3L development, and also that it supports the bike/pedestrian bridge to 6th St. I do wish the council would consider more green space for every new development. Everyone needs a small area of greenery, preferably a few trees and flowering bushes, a bench or two, whether for a lunch break or just to rejuvenate.

Not much seems to have happened of significance.

seem to be dialed in, and addressing the important items.

the Council seems mostly invisible

Affordable housing is improving. I am not sure some of the climate change gestures like eliminating plastic are the best things to be working on. Better cycling infrastructure would probably do as much.

I feel the terrible traffic mess on the top end of 5th St. was a disaster – accidents waiting to happen! I’m ALWAYS relieved when I get past that TIGHT roadway. SO many times I’ve been held up by bicyclists STILL using the roadway – big trucks trying to get into spaces – people just TRYING to open their car doors!!!

Much better than previous Mayor & Councillors. They listen to their constituents & they’ve made progress on affordable housing.

Need to have more accountability over their CAO and senior staff. Need to lead culture change from the old school ideologies.

I think they mean well. Their hearts are in it and genuinely believe in the decisions they make.

Some well thought out decisions….others leaning toward political expediency instead of choosing the best long term solution

There haven’t been a lot of news stories about Courtenay Council, but I have generally been in agreement with decisions that have been deemed newsworthy.

Council seems preoccupied with virtue signalling, while municipal issues go unaddressed. You don’t work for Dogwood, folks.

The Council is focused on the full ranges of issues that need our collective attention – from keeping roads clean and garbage picked up to attending to raising water levels and liveability in our community.

I attended 3 public hearings in the past year concerning the City Council always proposing to change property zoning so that more density can be permitted regardless of the current OCP – Council have approved 2 of those 1 yet unknown. Seems that more $$$ is very important to Council & concerns of tax paying current citizens go unheard & ignored

Responsive to public input.

It’s been a difficult year but overall they have held things together

Although there’s still time to see if their progressive words, changes, and future plans take flight and achieve results, I feel they’re headed in the right direction. Mayor Jangula and his supporters did not want to even entertain progressive changes and went so far as to deny that there were any problems with air quality, water, roads, etc. I believe he was also well known for his opposition to bike lanes and cycling.

Blaise, to say the least. We need better infrastructure, like widening the roads to four lanes around Superstore, syncing the intersection lights so you can go through rather than driving from one light and stopping and proceeding again and, as always a third crossing needs to be discussed and pushed forward.

This group of councillors and mayor are working very hard to move Courtenay toward a more progressive, socially inclusive, and economically viable community. The old guard were more concerned about law and order and keeping the streets paved for their big cars. This group cares about its citizens.

Councillor Doug Hillian

Responds to questions from electors.

Not strong position on the important issues at hand; climate change for example

Brought forth motion to have staff investigate strengthening riparian protection for Morrison Creek, to a minimum 30m. The Riparian Areas Regulation allows municipalities to meet or beat the RAR. Development within 30m of a creek is covered by an environmental development permit. That 30m can be reduced through a Qualified Environmental Professional QEP applying the RAR formula, 30m minimum is consistent, understandable and gives more protection.

He at least replied to a letter a few of us sent to city council

Doug is always visible at various agency and community issue meetings, whether a huge attendance or not. Doug replies to emails.

I think he has served his time on Council. Time for a new face.

Appears hard working and I appreciate his position on most issues.

Never see him do anything – no opinion

Been satisfied with Doug for years.

Elder statesman. Eloquent. Ever diplomatic. Grateful to have him.

Voice of experience

Senior Councillor who seems to see both sides of issues and is a very logical decision maker

I generally agree with his views and he seems well prepared for discussions.

Doug is accessible, informed and thoughtful

Wasn’t my first choice but I’m coming around to him

Councillor Hillian is very knowledgeable and experienced, he’s empathetic, cares about the environment and related issues, and is responsive to taxpayers. We had a problem with a local developer who would not follow through on their commitment to restore a damaged riparian area – despite their commitment to the City of Courtenay – and he followed through on this issue. It was resolved.

Doug has always done a great job for this community and continues to do so.


Melanie McCollum

What has she done?

Sharp, in a good way.

Sincere, answers emails and phone calls and returns if needed.

She is a bright light for Council

Brilliant, articulate, collaborative, fantastic!

Heart is in it and speaks her mind and conscience

Sometimes makes logical decisions but appears to be lead by other Councillors

I have heard very little reporting about her performance. Maybe I haven’t been paying enough attention.


Melanie is approachable and environmentally focused

Unknown to me

Doesn’t seem to be out in front much

Councillor McCollum is a very good listener and in her early days in office she did exactly that. She also seems to give issues a lot of thought and, so far at least, she looks for ways to resolve long-standing problems such as unhealthy air quality in the Valley due to overuse of woodsmoke. I see her as promising and hope she lasts.

Mayor Bob Wells

He knows how to chair a meeting, and keep it on track.

He is the captain of a motley crew.

I just have not seen any progress on the issues that have been there for many years; change in Mayor didn’t seem to make any difference.

It’s a difficult job trying to lead the way and find common priorities to address civic issues and sustain a vision of an inclusive community that values people of all income groups/ages. He hears what people say! He seems to work at building consensus when possible.

A pleasant surprise. I supported Erik Erickson.

Never hear from the guy!

The Mayor needs to develop some regular communication with constituents. An example: A Climate Crisis was declared for Courtenay and the CVRD. What has been done to ‘Walk the walk”?

He doesn’t seem to care about our problems and That was one reason I voted for him and I thought by a letter he wrote to the city as a council member about the Back road and Tunner traffic problem. So I won’t again. Will hopefully be able to sell my place before the hood makes it worth zero.

Never here from him except when he is at a public function with a high attendance

I have sent him a few emails and have yet to receive a reply! Not even an acknowledgement.

He seems overpaid to me. He seems an affable person, but I have no idea of his values or what he does. Other council members are much better known.

So neutral he’s barely noticeable (except for signature sunglasses on head)

Seems to be constantly screwing up – not paying attention to citizens’ concerns

Best one so far!

Good centrist.

Nice guy, easy to talk to. Not always clear he understands the issues.

I think he is a big improvement over the previous mayor.

More to the job than perching the Ray-Bans at a jaunty angle and trotting off to the next photo op.

Buddy buddy system within the council and guess who the leader of the pack is

I think he is a leader who takes an even handed approach to city issues and the opinions of City Councillors.

Seems to be in the thick of it and show pretty good leadership

Mayor Wells still has much to prove, but I support his direction on a number of issues and definitely his approach to communication (more collaborative, responsive and transparent) and technology at City Hall. Things have improved.

Bob is way more personable than the previous mayor and he is more tuned to his community running a local business.

Manno Theos

Works hard to stay in contact.

He talks a long streak about being the people’s representative but is truly not connected.

Ineffective and full of commitments to vested interests to the old boys club

He wobbles a bit, sometimes the nonpartisan ship is good, sometimes mystifying, but sometimes predictable.

Far too much emphasis on business interests and less taxation when more public funds are needed to address community issues.

Always involved……respected!

I have always felt that of all councilors, Mano is the least invested in helping the little guy and the most invested in watching out for larger money sources. It is good to have a counter voice to balance the primarily progressive council, but I feel him to be less invested in meetings and he often sounds distracted behind the zoom camera and has less in depth comments..

His ability to understand and perform the job is questionable

Bit of a loose cannon at times

Only hear from him when he is being critical. Looks after the Jangula interests at council meetings.

He has served his time on Council. I like that he votes in the negative every so often and is either the only councillor to do so, or has Doug Hillian with him. He is not afraid to give his opinion.

He has gotten along with several councils of different mayors, seems to be thoughtful and a team player.

I don’t agree with his stance on 3L

Someone has to try to reduce spending

Gentile nice man, no longer representative of Courtenay’s residents.

I don’t understand the admiration for him. I’m not sold he understands the issues.

Way too fiscally conservative. If it was up to him the only thing we would spend money on would be more roads!

I generally disagree with his views and find him rigid in his opinions.

Concerned about cost and practicality – now there’s a radical perspective.

Still stands out in the crowd – listens to what we have questions on and explains as much as he can

Always been impressed by Mr Theos seems to find the middle ground, his concern for the people here and costs.

Councillor Theos, in my opinion, is the only remaining relic of “the Jangula years”. And no matter what the issue or challenge, his mantra is to reduce taxes and protect the poor taxpayer. Forget about progress – it all costs too much for poor valley folk. My sense has always been that he is, unfortunately, under-qualified for his role.

He’s always been an advocate for change for the better and sensible.

Mano will go with the way the majority go. He has a mind of his own and could easily be manipulated by the old guard when they were on council and, perhaps, even now. How he gets the votes he does is strange.

Wendy Morin

She keeps her head down and is trying to do a good job

What has she done?

A lot of heart and insight which has at times been sorely lacking on council.

She hears the community.

She has shown real leadership around food security issues

I appreciate Wendy’s empathy and more humanitarian viewpoints on issues.

She knows her community and can talk our language.

She engages the public & has the best interest of many.

Brilliant, articulate, collaborative, fantastic! Often under-estimated. She’s wonderful.

Don’t get it. I think her background is in social issues. Although I believe it’s important, I question how much impact a city councillor can have on these issues.

Good thinker. Sees all sides of an issue

I have heard very little reporting about her performance. Maybe I haven’t been paying enough attention.


Wendy is thoughtful and focused on the people issues.

Unknown to me

I don’t know enough about Councillor Morin and must pay closer attention to her voting record and actions.

She tends to talk too much, her heart is in the right place.

David Frisch

More interested in his own personal agenda than representing constituents.

I have no way of determining how the city counsellors perform, hence any answers I give are not a fair way to answer any of these questions!

He is a pretender, he has not really done much, and sits on commissions he is not qualified for

Supports cycling without being unrealistic.

Support his interest in the outdoors

I think he has some good ideas. He is definitely a positive for the cycling people in Courtenay.

Satisfied with some aspects of his work to date and dissatisfied with other aspects.

While I applaud the recent co-op housing scheme and the use of land trust; is David Frisch in a conflict of interest?

A mixed bag of decisions.

Needs to respect the process more. Well intentioned. Needs to be more strategic and not in the weeds.

Well thought out. You know what you’re getting voting for him

Will Cole-Hamilton

He started, like all of them, promising so much, yet has lost his way

Lack of a firm position on any of the issues that he says are important to him

Engaged, responsive.

Cares about community voices and the environment.

Super smart guy! He could be our next mayor if Bob WElls decides not to run

Busy and involved, but don’t know what his priorities are.

His initiatives involving climate change action and UNDRIP are very welcome.

Best of the bunch. True leader. Could be more influential and “not as nice” when driving the necessary culture changes at City Hall.

Very good. Smart. Well spoken. Honest. Decisive.

Well spoken but does not always see the whole issue.

I met him at PAC meetings for the sewer system and he appears knowledgeable and willing to listen to others.

Dogwood puppet.

Will keeps himself informed.

How much time is spent on city work or does he pass the buck too much

Doing an okay job so far

So far so good . . . Councillor Cole-Hamilton is very tuned in to the issues that matter to me. He’s very active in the community re: those environmental issues. He goes to school on issues; he’s collaborative, and has devoted a fair bit of time honing his skills.

Will have been on the leading edge of many progressive initiatives and goes about doing his job in his quiet and unassuming manner

The Week: March for our planet today, but who will take the big, bold steps we need?

The Week: March for our planet today, but who will take the big, bold steps we need?

Only big, bold and probably unpopular actions are needed now to slow down climate change  |  George Le Masurier photo

The Week: March for our planet today, but who will take the big, bold steps we need?


This week we’re feeling curious about many things, but especially this: After today’s climate march will a genuine sense of emergency finally hit home throughout the Comox Valley?

The Comox Valley Youth Environmental Action group has called for another climate strike today. It starts from Simms Park in Courtenay at 1 pm.

Perhaps another 3,000 people or more will march through Courtenay’s streets to show growing support for actions by individuals and governments to lessen or delay the disastrous effects of climate change.

Climate activist and Courtenay CouncillorWill Cole-Hamilton reminded us last week of the important role that public demonstrations play. They give us a sense of well-being; that we’re doing something positive to fight back unthinkable horrors.

And seeing growing numbers of committed people atted public demonstrations gives social license to businesses and governments to take bolder actions to save our planet.

And here comes the ‘but.’

But so far we haven’t seen any bold actions by leaders locally, provincially or nationally.

Yes, we have taken small steps. We’ve banned single-use plastic bags. We’re in the process of adding charging stations for electric vehicles. We’ve banned the extraction and bottling of groundwater or municipal water for commercial purposes. On a national level, Canada did sign the Paris Accord.

Cities and towns all over the world are taking small steps like these, and many other nations made pledges in Paris. Yet, carbon dioxide emissions have risen by an average of 1.5 percent per year for the past 10 years. We coughed up 55 gigatonnes last year. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has reached 407.8 parts per million.

To put that into perspective, scientists say global carbon emissions must drop by 7.6 percent per year for the next 10 years, or the world faces catastrophic consequences.

Small steps won’t get us there.

If we continue taking small steps most of the Courtenay Flats including Puntledge Road, the Lewis Centre, the gas station on Dyke Road and the K’omoks First Nation band hall will be flooded. So will the Courtenay Airpark. Jane Place in Comox will be underwater. The little bit of high ground near the tip of Goose Spit will become an island. The low lying farm land below CFB Comox that the Queen’s Ditch flows through will flood and begin the process of reverting to the saltwater bay it once was.

Think about the sewage pump station on the banks of the Courtenay River, and the Kus-kus-sum site.

Sea level rise will continue, droughts will last longer, forest fires will increase … and on and on it goes.

We don’t have time for small steps. I know many people think that some new technology will emerge and save us. I hope they’re right.

But we need that silver bullet today. Not five years from now. That’s too late, if you believe the science, and you must or you wouldn’t be marching today. And, if you don’t and you’re not marching, then you’re making the mountain that much higher for the rest of us to climb.

It’s nice that our local governments have declared ‘climate emergencies.’ But what does that really mean beyond lip service?

Have any of our municipalities dumped their fossil-fuel burning fleet of vehicles and purchased all electric models? Have any of them taken away gas-powered leaf blowers, lawn mowers and grass trimmers from their public works staff? How many have installed solar panels on all of their municipal buildings?

The City of Courtenay and the Comox Valley Regional District have built a new office building on higher ground. That’s smart. But is it a LEED-certified building? No. Is it a net-zero energy building right now? No. Will it be complaint with the new BC Energy Step Code step building code when it goes into effect in 2032?

I know what you’re thinking. These changes take time. They cost money. People aren’t willing to pay the high taxes needed to change-out fleets of cars and hire more municipal staff to rake leaves. Builders aren’t constructing only net-zero energy buildings because people can’t afford them. These things are true.

But when our coastline starts disappearing and people lose their homes or can no longer get insurance or sell them because everybody is retreating as fast as they can to higher ground, then what?

I don’t know how we drop global emissions by 7.6 percent per year. We’ve never done it. In fact, we’re headed in the other direction even now.

But one thing is for sure: We need bold leaders willing to take bold actions — unpopular as they might be — or we’re in for natural disasters of a magnitude we clearly haven’t fathomed.

So march today. But take big steps, not small ones.



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Comox Valley climate activists join 1,700 discussion events worldwide

Comox Valley climate activists join 1,700 discussion events worldwide

Comox Valley citizens participated in 24 Hours of Realty, the worldwide climate action this week  |  Dan Vie photo

Comox Valley climate activists join 1,700 discussion events worldwide


While former U.S. Vice President kicked off a worldwide discussion about the climate crisis at Vanderbilt University yesterday, Gore-trained climate activist Will Cole-Hamilton provided a similar keynote presentation for close to 100 people at the Comox United Church Hall.

Cole-Hamilton spoke about global progress in developing solar and wind technologies to replace fossil fuels, how the City of Courtenay has addressed climate change and why growing public sentiment expressed in climate marches are so important.

And he brought the topic down to a personal level. Recalling a recent conversation with one of his young children, Cole-Hamilton had trouble keeping his own emotions in check.

Comox Valley Youth Environmental Action has scheduled another Climate Strike for 1 p.m. Nov. 29 at Courtenay’s Simms Park

When his young daughter announced she never planned to have children, Cole-Hamilton asked why. “Because it’s not fair to bring kids into a world that’s not safe,” she said.

Celia Laval, of the Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship, a co-organizer of the event, which was one of 1,700 same-day presentations in 75 countries called 24 Hours of Reality: Climate Truth in Action, also acknowledged the seriousness of the issue.

“This is a heavy topic,” she said. “And I’m glad I don’t have to face it alone.”

After Cole-Hamilton’s presentation, participants broke into small groups to discuss the climate crisis and share the practical steps that individuals and neighbourhoods can take to reduce the human impact on climate change.



Cole-Hamilton started his presentation showing an aerial photo of the Puntledge Road and highway bypass area of Courtenay during the 2014 flood, a rain event that climate scientists predict will become more frequent in the future.

And he showed an old photo of the formerly robust Comox Glacier. Experts now believe that all Vancouver Island glaciers will disappear within 20 years.

But Cole-Hamilton moved on to good news. Many nations have pledged to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the Paris Accord. China and India have generated half or more of their new energy from solar and wind. In the last five years, solar energy jobs have grown six times faster than the overall economy.

In Canada, Cole-Hamilton said, there are now more clean energy jobs than exist in Alberta’s tar sands oil patch.

Cole-Hamilton, who also serves as an elected Courtenay councillor, said he’s proud of how the city is addressing climate change. That includes new electric vehicle charging stations, a ban on single-use plastic bags and declaring a climate emergency.

He said the city’s revision of its Official Community Plan, which is underway, will consider climate change “every step of the way.” The city’s consultants say Courtenay will be the first Canadian city to put the climate crisis at the core of its planning.



More than 3,000 people — nearly five percent of the Comox Valley population — joined 800,000 other Canadians on Sept. 27 in climate marches to demand that governments at all levels do more to reduce human impacts on climate change.

Cole-Hamiltion told the audience that such public displays of public sentiment are more important than people might realize.

When large numbers of people show their support, it gives local governments social license to take positive actions. He noted that all Comox Valley councils and the regional board all declared climate emergencies after the march.

And, he said strong showings are also seen by businesses and other institutions, and they give everyone the strength of conviction to talk about the climate crisis.

“If we continue to grow climate marches, we will change our community,” he said.



At the end of the evening, people from the small group discussions talked about the practical actions they are taking to create issue awareness and reduce their carbon footprint.

Those actions ranged from creating more community gardens, to consuming less (Nov. 29 is Buy Nothing Day), supporting local farmers, pledge to have a zero waste Christmas and supporting such local organizations as Project Watershed and Lush Valley.

The list will be posted on the Facebook pages for Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship and Comox Valley Nurses for Health Environment.

The Comox Valley Nurses for Health and the Environment also co-sponsored the event.










The website Skeptical Science has made a list of the 197 most common myths about global warming and climate change and how you, as a climate activist, can respond to each of them.

Get the list here … cue cards not available.



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